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Index ::: [ Recipe ] [ Breakfast ]
2 servings



Fresh Dill
Black Pepper
Coconut Oil
Red Onion





  1. Crack :
    4 Eggs;
    in a bowl.
  2. Add :
    2 Tablespoon Finely Chopped Fresh Dill;
    Salt, to Taste;
    Black Pepper, to Taste;
    and beat with a fork.
  3. Put a big saucepan on medium-high heat.
  4. Melt :
    A Small Amount of Coconut Oil;
    in the pan.
  5. Add :
    1/2 Small Finely Diced Red Onion;
    sauté for about 2 minutes, until it’s translucent and smells great.
  6. Add the egg to the hot pan and swirl it around to coat the surface evenly.
  7. If the center of the omelette cooks more quickly than the edge, use a spatula to pull any raw egg into the middle.
  8. After about 30 seconds, toss :
    1/4 Cup Grated Cheese;
    on top along with any other raw or cooked vegetable you feel like adding.
  9. When the egg is done, fold the omelette in half with your spatula, then lift it out of the pan.




[ NOTE ]

For different variations, add any other cooked veggies you have around