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Ginger Turmeric Root Tea

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Ginger Turmeric Root Tea
6 servings



Fresh Turmeric Root
Ginger Root
Black Pepper
Maple Syrup or Sugar



Cinnamon Stick or Ground Cinnamon





  1. Add :
    2 1/2 Cups Water;
    1 Inch Fresh Turmeric Root, Peeled and Thinly Sliced;
    1/2 - 3/4 Inch Ginger Root, Thinly Sliced;
    Black Pepper, to Taste;
    to a saucepan and bring to a simmering boil over medium low heat.
  2. Add :
    Cinnamon Stick or Ground Cinnamon ( Optional );
    Slices of Fresh Lemon ( Optional );
  3. Continue to simmer for 6 to 8 minutes.
  4. Add in :
    Maple Syrup or Sugar, to Taste;.
  5. Strain and serve.
  6. Add :
    Lemon Slices, if needed;.
  7. Chill and serve over ice cubes as iced tea.




[ NOTE ]

Add a teaspoon of loose tea.
Add herbs and spices of choice.




::: View the original recipe for Ginger Turmeric Root Tea at veganricha.com